Sunday, 2 June 2013

stills: the first of winter

1. date loaf with plenty of butter
2. floral fabric, wallpaper and cards: part of my give-away gift from Taz
3. my latest sewing project
4. & 5. more watercolours- chooks by me and Tilly the cat by the other half
6. the chooks snuck inside
7. dreaming of roast beetroot
8. the almost bare apple tree



  1. I seriously love your painting Zara, the chooks are adorable. Very clever! Look at your real chooks inside...they look very comfy. It looks like your roast beetroot wont be too far away. Stay warm x

  2. Beautiful winter images Zara. That date loaf looks delicious and your dear little chickens look cute but sneaky!

  3. The chooks inside made me giggle! I bet they were proud of themselves! Your beetroot looks divine.

    Sophie xo

  4. I looove date loaf...and date scones...and well just dates!. cute chookies! x

  5. Love your watercolour efforts, both of you that is! Cheeky chooks inside, once I came home from work when my MIL was minding the kids and there was a neatly deposited dry chook poo on my pillow! Yep unsupervised chooks up on our bed! I like to think it was because MIL was providing superior supervision of the children hence not noticing what the chooks were up to! mel x

  6. Yum, date loaf - my mum and nan used to make that, haven't had it in years! Seriously loving your watercolours x

  7. What a gorgeous start to winter. Shenanigans with the chickens, date loaf and sewing, sounds like perfection to me. I also love your watercolour chooks. It would make the loveliest wrapping paper. Melinda x

  8. OH ZARA!!! the painting of the chooks is gorgeous!!!!!

  9. Your painting of the chickens would make cute wallpaper, and the photo of the chickens inside your house put a smile on my face,

  10. Your watercolours are really delightful!

  11. Cheeky chooks! Love the wallpaper - lucky you! Roast beetroot defo dreamworthy! Happy winter to you.. Stay cozy!

  12. Date loaf with plenty of butter, just the way I like it (although my hips don't) Lovely painting

  13. Gorgeous watercolours - clever couple! Love that fabric and the chooks are too cute. Just about to get some chookies about that size this week. Not sure how I'll feel about them coming inside the house, though. Haha x

  14. your winter is looking wonderful!

  15. All beautiful images Zara. You are so very talented, as is your partner I see.
    I absolutely love date loaf, have a beautiful recipe that's made in the cylindrical tin with lids at both end. Beautiful round slices of deliciousness!
    Your beetroot looks very healthy, as do your beautiful, young, cheeky Sussex chooks.

  16. Your painting of the little red chickens is the best! And date loaf with lots of butter, so good, my mum makes it too and I get so happy! xxx

  17. water colours are amazing Zara! i love that the chooks snuck in the house...cheeky little things! xx

  18. I love the chook watercolours, you clever duck! And yes. Date loaf must always be eaten with plenty of butter. xo

  19. Thanks for sharing these beautiful images. Your date loaf and butter is positively mouth watering... I am salivating as I type.

  20. Oh No chooks inside!!, Please don't tell me that you've put chicken wire in the cupboard doors in the kitchen so you don't have to walk anywhere to collect the eggs! EeeeK! seriously though , they look beautifully happy and content inside the house!

  21. Now I feel like date loaf and there are only two dates in the jar!


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